Your Views Matter - The Leadership Election

The leadership election is in full flow, and our MPs have selected the final two candidates. These will then be voted on by us, the membership. The Area Team are keen to hear your views about the process, and if you would like to get more involved in Devon matters. We believe that it is important to gauge wider opinion from across Devon. We want to hear your views about hustings via the online poll below.

Plus offering you a pathway to getting your voice heard.

The Area Team
James Taghdissian, Debbie Flint & Sam Penfold
[email protected]

Hustings Finals

  • Current Your views
  • Your details
Your views
Who would you like to see at an in person Devon hustings?
Who would you like to see at an online zoom hustings?
Would you like to hear from our man at the top, Julian Ellacott at our Devon area winter supper, on November 1?
We would love you to get involved in the future...